You can send SMS to any number using e-mail.
To do this you need only send an E-mail: with the theme, which is an indication on what room / rooms and when to send SMS.
Attention! The service is opened only for E-mail addresses, authorized in the personal office.
In the body of the message must be text SMS messages. Statistics and monitoring when sending SMS to one number appears in the service «SMS», sending more than one number - in the service 'Bulk Sender'.
After sending letters to You will receive a message confirming the reception of the request for sending SMS messages, or a detailed error message if the request for sending SMS messages was incorrect.
Send a blank e-mail address lead to the fact that the system will answer a letter describing how to use the service.
How to use «E-MAIL-2-SMS»Format Subject line should read as follows:
UserName phone_number [[DD / YYYY] HH: MM] [ani = sender_number] [silent]
login 72961234567 - send SMS immediately
login 79261234567 12:00 - send an SMS today at 12:00 am
login 7926123456 23.02.2010 10:00 - send an SMS Feb. 23, 2010 at 10:00
login 7926123456,79031234567,79163456789 23.02.2010 10:00 - send SMS to 3 numbers Feb. 23, 2010 at 10:00
login 79261234567 ani=company -
login 79261234567 silent -
SMS Text messages can indicate the following ways:
- In the message body. In this case, all the facilities mentioned in the subject line, leave the same message.
- Attach text file (with extension. TXT). The file format should look like.
As you can see, you can specify a lot of room for one text message, and for each number of individual communications.