Call History Devices Answering machine SettingsStatisticsInfo «Country code» «city code» «phone number»For example:13479837878 To dial the extension use the following symbols: «.» (dot) — 5 sec. delay «,» (coma) — 2 sec. delayFor example:13476302035.100000 For calls to SIP-numbers: to local SIP-numbers - 6-digit numbersFor example:100000 to external SIP-numbers -sip:user_name@sip_domainFor 1 2abc 3def 4ghi 5jkl 6mno 7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz * 0+ # call backspace 00:00 1 2abc 3def 4ghi 5jkl 6mno 7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz * 0+ # Rates for yours direction: Mobile apps: iPhoneAndroid Bulk calling All ways to call Attention! You are not logged in To use Comtube services you need to log in, by entering your login and passwordIf you are new to Comtube, you can register right now!