- Код: Выделить всё
14:55:26.889 2 SIPDATA-004582 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:34700 INVITE(1099 bytes) sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:26.890 2 SIPDATA-004582 created SIPS-000704
14:55:26.890 2 SIPS-000704 [004582] INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone from udp[]:34700
14:55:26.890 2 SIPDATA-004583 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:34700 100-INVITE(331 bytes)
14:55:26.890 2 SIPS-000704 [004583] 100-INVITE(trying) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:34700
14:55:26.890 2 SIPS-000704 created SIGNAL-000966
14:55:26.890 2 SIGNAL-000966 SIPS-000704: INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:26.890 3 SIGNAL-000966 rejecting INVITE from postmaster@ufs.su w/o authentication
14:55:26.890 2 SIGNAL-000966 401 generated
14:55:26.890 2 SIGNAL-000966 401 relaying
14:55:26.890 2 SIGNAL-000966 releasing
14:55:26.890 2 SIPDATA-004584 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:34700 401-INVITE(476 bytes)
14:55:26.890 2 SIPS-000704 [004584] 401-INVITE(final) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:34700
14:55:26.892 2 SIPDATA-004585 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:34700 ACK(520 bytes) sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:26.892 2 SIPDATA-004585 sent to SIPS-000704
14:55:26.892 2 SIPS-000704 [004585] confirmed: ACK received
14:55:26.894 2 SIPDATA-004586 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:34700 INVITE(1366 bytes) sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:26.894 2 SIPDATA-004586 created SIPS-000706
14:55:26.894 2 SIPS-000706 [004586] INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone from udp[]:34700
14:55:26.900 2 SIPDATA-004587 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:34700 100-INVITE(331 bytes)
14:55:26.900 2 SIPS-000706 [004587] 100-INVITE(trying) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:34700
14:55:26.900 2 SIPS-000706 created SIGNAL-000968
14:55:26.900 2 SIGNAL-000968 SIPS-000706: INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:26.908 2 DIALOG-000075 created(authOut)
14:55:26.908 2 DIALOG-000075 caller set: postmaster@ufs.su
14:55:26.908 2 SIGNAL-000968 INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone via sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:26.909 2 SIGNAL-000968 relaying to sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone via sip:comtube.sipgw;user=phone
14:55:26.909 2 SIGNAL-000968 {1} sent to SIPC-000844: INVITE sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:26.909 2 SIPC-000844 INVITE sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:26.909 3 SIPC-000844 failed to find SRV records for comtube.ru(sip,udp). Error Code=DNS SRV-record is empty
14:55:26.909 2 DIALOG-000076 created as DIALOG-000075 copy(copy)
14:55:26.909 2 DIALOG-000076 enqueued
14:55:26.909 2 SIPC-000844 created DIALOG-000076
14:55:26.909 2 SIPC-000844 creating media proxy(gateway)
14:55:26.909 2 MEDIAPROXY-000019 created: [] ->
14:55:26.909 2 DIALOG-000076 MEDIAPROXY-000019 created
14:55:26.909 2 MEDIAPROXY-000019 processing SDP(2 media) ->
14:55:26.909 2 UDPPROXY-000037 created (port=60000/2)
14:55:26.909 2 UDPPROXY-000037 processing started
14:55:26.909 2 UDPPROXY-000038 created (port=60002/2)
14:55:26.909 2 UDPPROXY-000038 processing started
14:55:26.909 2 UDPPROXY-000037 []:53124 <-> []:0
14:55:26.909 2 UDPPROXY-000038 []:53126 <-> []:0
14:55:26.909 2 MEDIAPROXY-000019 set: [] <-> []
14:55:26.909 2 SIPC-000844 request SDP updated with DIALOG-000076
14:55:26.909 2 SIPDATA-004588 out: req []:5060 -> udp[]:5060 INVITE(1665 bytes) sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:26.909 2 SIPC-000844 [004588] INVITE sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone sent []:5060 -> udp[]:5060
14:55:27.876 2 SIPDATA-004589 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:5060 NOTIFY(263 bytes) sip:
14:55:27.876 2 SIPDATA-004589 created SIPS-000708
14:55:27.876 2 SIPS-000708 [004589] NOTIFY sip: from udp[]:5060
14:55:27.876 2 SIPS-000708 created SIGNAL-000970
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 SIPS-000708: NOTIFY sip:
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 NOTIFY sip: via sip:
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 relaying to sip: via sip:
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 {1} sent to SIPC-000846: NOTIFY sip:
14:55:27.876 2 SIPC-000846 NOTIFY sip:
14:55:27.876 3 SIPC-000846 failed to send to none[]:5060. Error Code=Authentication required
14:55:27.876 1 SIPC-000846 NOTIFY sip: failed. Error Code=Authentication required
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 401 received from SIPC-000846
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 401 relaying
14:55:27.876 2 SIGNAL-000970 releasing
14:55:27.876 2 SIPDATA-004590 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:5060 401-NOTIFY(417 bytes)
14:55:27.876 2 SIPS-000708 [004590] 401-NOTIFY(final) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:5060
14:55:28.000 3 SIPC-000844 calling timeout, resending
14:55:28.000 2 SIPDATA-004591 out: req []:5060 -> udp[]:5060 INVITE(1665 bytes) sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:28.000 2 SIPC-000844 [004591] INVITE sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone sent []:5060 -> udp[]:5060
14:55:28.003 2 SIPDATA-004592 inp: rsp []:5060 <- udp[]:5060 407-INVITE(595 bytes)
14:55:28.003 2 SIPDATA-004592 sent to SIPC-000844
14:55:28.003 2 SIPC-000844 [004592] 407-INVITE received
14:55:28.003 2 SIPC-000844 updated AUTH on 407-INVITE
14:55:28.003 2 SIPC-000844 sending ACK
14:55:28.003 2 SIPDATA-004593 out: req []:5060 -> udp[]:5060 ACK(435 bytes) sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:28.003 2 SIPC-000844 [004593] ACK sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone sent []:5060 -> udp[]:5060
14:55:28.003 2 SIPC-000844 killing DIALOG-000076
14:55:28.003 2 DIALOG-000076 dequeued(kill)
14:55:28.003 2 DIALOG-000076 MEDIAPROXY-000019 removing
14:55:28.003 2 SIGNAL-000968 407 received from SIPC-000844
14:55:28.003 2 SIGNAL-000968 updating DIALOG-000075 on 407-response
14:55:28.003 2 DIALOG-000075 signal expiration updated
14:55:28.008 2 SIGNAL-000968 407 relaying
14:55:28.008 2 SIGNAL-000968 releasing
14:55:28.008 2 SIPDATA-004594 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:34700 407-INVITE(485 bytes)
14:55:28.008 2 SIPS-000706 [004594] 407-INVITE(final) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:34700
14:55:28.011 2 SIPDATA-004595 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:34700 ACK(816 bytes) sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:28.011 2 SIPDATA-004595 sent to SIPS-000706
14:55:28.011 2 SIPS-000706 [004595] confirmed: ACK received
14:55:28.012 2 SIPDATA-004596 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:34700 INVITE(1383 bytes) sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:28.012 2 SIPDATA-004596 created SIPS-000710
14:55:28.012 2 SIPS-000710 [004596] INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone from udp[]:34700
14:55:28.012 2 SIPDATA-004597 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:34700 100-INVITE(331 bytes)
14:55:28.012 2 SIPS-000710 [004597] 100-INVITE(trying) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:34700
14:55:28.012 2 SIPS-000710 created SIGNAL-000972
14:55:28.012 2 SIGNAL-000972 SIPS-000710: INVITE sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:28.012 3 SIGNAL-000972 rejecting INVITE from postmaster@ufs.su w/o authentication
14:55:28.012 2 SIGNAL-000972 401 generated
14:55:28.012 2 SIGNAL-000972 401 relaying
14:55:28.012 2 SIGNAL-000972 releasing
14:55:28.012 2 SIPDATA-004598 out: rsp []:5060 -> udp[]:34700 401-INVITE(476 bytes)
14:55:28.012 2 SIPS-000710 [004598] 401-INVITE(final) sent []:5060 -> udp[]:34700
14:55:28.015 2 SIPDATA-004599 inp: req []:5060 <- udp[]:34700 ACK(804 bytes) sip:3887087@;user=phone
14:55:28.015 2 SIPDATA-004599 sent to SIPS-000710
14:55:28.015 2 SIPS-000710 [004599] confirmed: ACK received
14:55:28.404 2 MEDIAPROXY-000019 released
14:55:28.404 2 DIALOG-000076 released
Отбивает в NO RESPONSE
Смущает вот что:
14:55:26.909 2 SIGNAL-000968 {1} sent to SIPC-000844: INVITE sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:26.909 2 SIPC-000844 INVITE sip:+74953887087@comtube.ru;user=phone
14:55:26.909 3 SIPC-000844 failed to find SRV records for comtube.ru(sip,udp). Error Code=DNS SRV-record is empty
14:55:26.909 2 DIALOG-000076 created as DIALOG-000075 copy(copy)
14:55:26.909 2 DIALOG-000076 enqueued
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