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SIP Code Dialling
Do you have friends or family that have signed up for another VoIP Provider? You can probably call them for free on their VoIP number. Just locate their Voice Service Provider’s SIP Code on our SIP Broker service and then dial *SIP Code and their VoIP number. There are already over 2000 sip domains registered on our SIP Broker service.
You can’t find the sip domain you are looking for? Feel free to register it. Click here for instructions on how to register a sip domain on SIP Broker.com
HowTo: Dialing using a provider SIP-Code?
First find the provider SIP-Code you want to call. Search for it here. If it does not exist, ask the person you want to call to register or add the proxy yourself. This will enable SIP Broker to automatically allocate a SIP-Code, or you can simply email provider@sipbroker.com requesting the provider to be added.
Once you have the SIP-Code, just call the recipients number with the SIP-Code as a prefix.
e.g. SIP-Code for call receiver is *123 and their number is 5551234. Just dial *123-5551234.
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